Invites you to The Annual Association Dinner
Guest Speaker - Johnny Mercer MP
Thursday 15 November 2018, 7.00pm for 7.45pm
Kingswood Golf & Country Club, Sandy Lane, Kingswood KT20 6NE
Three course dinner with a half bottle of wine pp
Black Tie. Tickets £65 (Young Conservatives and children £45)
Auction & Raffle
Email/Telephone (for our confirmation) ….………………………………………………………………
I/We require ……. tickets @ £65 and ……. @ £45 for The Annual Association Dinner on Thursday 15 Nov.
Please list names of guests and menu choices on the attached form and return it to: -
Reigate & Banstead Conservative Association · 212 Barnett Wood Lane · Ashtead KT21 2DB
Cheques should be made payable to Reigate Conservative Association,
or you can email [email protected] for bank details for an electronic transfer.
I/We are unable to attend but wish to donate £…….
PLEASE REPLY NO LATER than Friday 9 November with attached menu choices and guest names so we can confirm by email/telephone